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Pedro Gilberto Fuentes Hinojosa

Pedro Fuentes learned how important it is to work hard. He saw for himself how hard it is to start a business. However, he learned how to be persistent so that he could become successful. When Pedro Fuentes took his time and worked hard, he learned how to make his business grow. Pedro Fuentes also learned about being unique, leadership, decision-making, and risks during that time. In business, you always have to think outside of the box. In order to be a leader, you can't be afraid to change things up. They need to look at problems from many different angles and be open to new ideas in order to solve them.

Taking risks and taking charge have always been important to Pedro Fuentes. His work experience has helped him get even further in business. This is how he sees the world: through a business lens. He asks "what-if" questions, and tries new things. As a result, his business ideas led to success and a lot of attention. His upbringing has also shaped Pedro Fuentes' business sense. The IPADE Business School helped Pedro find what he was good at and what he was interested in. When Pedro Fuentes went to the IPADE, he learned how to turn his entrepreneurial instincts into a road map for how to be successful.

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